Are men coming around to laser hair removal?
Laser hair removal for men is currently experiencing a surge in demand as men come around to the benefits of being fuzz free. 26% of treatments of laser hair removal are performed on men, (source The most popular areas for laser hair removal for men is the back, stomach and chest, although the face is increasingly being offered for hair zapping.Men that enjoy performance sports often find laser hair removal to be superb as they feel that sans hair they can be a cut above the rest and up their speed.
Women asked on the subject of male laser hair removal, if answering honestly (which few do by the way) will confirm that given a choice between a rug and a smooth soft surface they would choose the latter. OK OK, I hear some squeels in the back, I realise there are exceptions, some women just didn't move on from prehistoric times and want their men straight out of "Braveheart" - but this is 2007 so get with the programme. That whole fluffy chest look is so 1980's Medallion man - it's over. Just think of the chat up line potential, ''Feel my skin, it's sooo soft" - ha ha! So, if in doubt, just think of the action you"ll get.
If you are in any more doubt then think about how much time you'll save ditching shaving. I have the grossest story now so please prepare yourself. Once I was on an underwear job and the hunky guy model and I were in makeup in the dressing room. The stylist asked him if he could remove some of his... private hairs lets say. Not at all shy he whipped his electric shaver out if his rucksack, proceeded to put his foot on the waist high desk in front of a large mirror, moved his y fronts aside (!) and got into that protected forestery area!! Frankly, my position next to him was not optimal from a viewing perspective or a depositing one. Gross. Some people have no shame. Incidents like this could have been avoided with laser hair removal for men. Think about it...
So, you guys out there, don't be afraid, get down to the salon and get going with that laser hair removal for men pronto! Let us know your results too... Women asked on the subject of male laser hair removal, if answering honestly (which few do by the way) will confirm that given a choice between a rug and a smooth soft surface they would choose the latter. OK OK, I hear some squeels in the back, I realise there are exceptions, some women just didn't move on from prehistoric times and want their men straight out of "Braveheart" - but this is 2007 so get with the programme. That whole fluffy chest look is so 1980's Medallion man - it's over. Just think of the chat up line potential, ''Feel my skin, it's sooo soft" - ha ha! So, if in doubt, just think of the action you"ll get.
If you are in any more doubt then think about how much time you'll save ditching shaving. I have the grossest story now so please prepare yourself. Once I was on an underwear job and the hunky guy model and I were in makeup in the dressing room. The stylist asked him if he could remove some of his... private hairs lets say. Not at all shy he whipped his electric shaver out if his rucksack, proceeded to put his foot on the waist high desk in front of a large mirror, moved his y fronts aside (!) and got into that protected forestery area!! Frankly, my position next to him was not optimal from a viewing perspective or a depositing one. Gross. Some people have no shame. Incidents like this could have been avoided with laser hair removal for men. Think about it...
Thanks for sharing this information! I have been looking into laser hair removal utah and where I can get it done! Thanks again for sharing! Can you give me more details?
So ive heard a lot of people talking about laser hair removal in Chicago but my only question is doesn't it hurt super bad?
Laser hair removal is more than just zapping unwanted hair. It is a medical procedure that requires training to perform and carries potential risks. Before getting laser hair removal, you should thoroughly check the credentials of the doctor or technician performing the procedure.
Laser hair removal kent is used the most popular areas for removing the hair of men is the back, stomach and chest. Thanks for giving such a useful information for us!!
I never thought that I would ever get laser hair removal before, but I am glad that my wife had me go in. I did not think that I was going to enjoy it or see the results like everyone says, but you really do. It is great and my wife is really happy that I went through with it too.
Jak Manson |
My husband has been talking about possibly getting laser hair removal for his facial hair. He hates having facial hair, but his skin is too sensitive to use razors on. If he could just get laser removal done, he won't have to worry about shaving anymore.
Keara Littner |
Today many men are seeking laser hair removal procedures.
Laser Hair Removal New Jersey
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